
Heißes Finale der Bloodbowl-Liga

Nicht nur das Jahr, sondern auch die Bloodbowl-Liga neigt sich dem Ende zu. Wer wird wohl gewinnen? Unser Liga-Organisator Marian plant, nach den regulären Spieltagen Dungeonbowl und Squigball zu spielen und hat die Regeln hier schon einmal zusammengefasst.

Marian: Nach dem letzten Spieltag gibt es die Abschlusstabelle, die besten Vier spielen Dungeonbowl. Der Sieger dieses Matches wird automatisch auf den ersten Platz gesetzt. Die anderen drei Platzierungen werden in der Reihenfolge der Abschlusstabelle ermittelt. Gewinnt der viertplatzierte beim Dungeonbowl ist er dann auf dem ersten Platz.

Die übrigen vier Spieler, die kein Dungeonbowl spielen, absolvieren Squigball-Partien in einer direkten K.o.-Runde. Dabei spielt der Achte gegen den Siebten usw. Die Gewinner der ersten Partie spielen dann das Squigballfinale. Der Sieger des Squigballs spielt gegen den vierten der Playofftabelle. Der Verlierer des Squigballfinales spielt gegen den dritten der Playofftabelle. Die beiden Verlierer spielen eine letzte Partie Squigball um nicht den “Woodenspoon” zu bekommen. Der Erst- und der Zweitplatzierte der Playoffliste haben eine Runde spielfrei und sind automatisch im Halbfinale der Playoffs. Von dort an wird K.o.- System gespielt.

Der Sieger des Dungeon Bowl erhält zu seinem normalen Gewinn noch für den Spieler, der den Siegtouchdown erzielt, die Fähigkeit erstechen (Stab). Der Sieger des Squigbowl erhält zusätzlich für den Spieler der den MVP bekommen hat, die Fähigkeit springen (lieb). Diese Fähigkeiten müssen nicht mit SSP gekauft werden und machen den Spieler jeweils um 40.000 teurer.

Die folgenden Regeln für Dungeonbowl und Squigball stammen von der Brisbane Area Bloodbowl-Liga.


Lay Out: A dungeon is set up using appropriate tiles (Hero Quest, Dungeon Bowl, Space Hulk whatever?). The dungeon should have a large central room and four End-Zones opposite each other. More rooms or corridors can be added at the discretion of the Commissioner.
Set Up: Four teams take part in BABBL dungeon matches. Each team picks an end-zone, determine who picks first via League ranking (highest gets first pick), and in that end-zone they place any six players.   The lowest Ranked player must select the opposite end-zone and set up six players.  The second highest ranked may then pick their end-zone while the third ranked player must take the final unoccupied end-zone.
At the start of each turn, before moving a player, a coach may use the magic sponge (see below) or teleport a player from their Reserves Box onto the pitch by rolling a d8 and placing that player on the appropriate teleport pad (see below). It is thus possible to eventually have more than 11 players in the dungeon at once.
Turn Sequence: Determine randomly who gets the first turn. Follow all the normal restrictions for a Blood bowl match regarding available actions and illegal procedures. If an illegal procedure is called, rather than losing an available re-roll, all other coaches receive an extra re-roll. After the coach’s turn ends, the coach to their left begins their turn, continue clockwise around the table. There is no break after turn 8 and the game continues until a TD is scored.
Injuries Knock outs and Reserves: When a player is knocked out in the dungeon they are removed from danger by the helpful wizards and placed into appropriate the knock out bin.  The Helpful Wizards will also locate players who get injured and transport them out of the dungeon and place them gently into the Dead and injured box of their team’s dugout.
Magic Sponge: The Helpful wizards want to see a lot of carnage.  At the start of every turn, rather than teleport a player from the reserves box, a coach may use the magic sponge provided by the Wizards on a player in the Knocked-Out bin.  This will automatically awaken the player and move him to the reserves bin, making them available to be teleported onto the pitch in future turns.
Inducements: All teams gather their inducement money based off the team with the highest team rating. Star players and mercenaries will never play in a Dungeon match (it’s just too dangerous). Blood Bowl Babes don’t like the tight confines of the dungeon either and will refuse to take part.
Some Special Play Cards only affect the Kick off result; unfortunately since there is no kick off, these cards and the inducement money are wasted. (Corruption is everywhere)  Some Special Play Cards allow additional players to enter from a sideline or end zone; these players will instead enter from a teleport pad following the normal rules for doing so.
Winning the match: The first team to score a TD will be declared the winner and the match will immediately come to an end. A coach scores a TD by entering the end-zone with the ball on the opposite end of the dungeon from where they started. (Eg: if you started on the north side, you must touch the ball down in the south side end-zone)
Teleport Pads: Within the dungeon the commissioner spaces out eight numbered counters to represent teleport pads. The pads introduce a random and risky element that makes dungeon matches wildly unpredictable. When a player steps on a teleport pad, roll a d8 and move the player to the appropriate pad. If the pad they’re currently standing on displays the number rolled, (you’re standing on pad three and then roll a three) the player is lost in a terrible accident and may no longer take part in the match, The model is then removed from the pitch. At the end of the game, helpful wizards will retrieve the player and return him to the team. Should a player teleport to an occupied pad, the previous occupant must then roll a d8 and teleport away.
Teleporting can be very stressful on the organs & many feel stunned after repeated uses… some even die. To represent this, a player must use 2 points of MA to step off a square with a teleport pad (rather than one). Also, if for any reason a player gets teleported twice or more in one team turn, roll once for injury against that player. Players may continue moving after their transport is complete (they may even step back on the pad if they want to risk another transport).
Only players can activate the teleport pads, therefore a ball will only teleport if a player is holding it. When entering a square with both a teleport pad and the ball, a player must attempt to pick up the ball before determining where they teleport to (if applicable).
Treasure Chests: Within the dungeon the commissioner spaces out six numbered counters to represent treasure chests. At the start of the match there is no kick off (nor any rolls on the kick-off table), the ball starts in one of the six chests… the other five are trapped. When a player enters a Square with a chest, their action ends. Roll a d6, on a result of a 6 the lucky player has found the ball and automatically picks it up (keep in mind that their action has ended, so they may not then continue to move nor Pass/Hand-off the ball); on a result of 1–5 the unlucky player has opened a trapped chest. Remove the counter and knock the player down, all adjacent players will be knocked down on a d6 roll of 4–6Roll for armour and injury as normal (Players knocked down will cause a Turn Over). If the ball is found, all remaining counters are considered trapped. If five counters are removed without the ball being found, the sixth is considered to have the ball (no roll is required).
Low Ceiling: Due to the enclosed dungeon roof, only Quick and Short passes may be attempted.
Thick Walls: If a player is pushed back into a wall or obstacle, they are knocked down in their square as if they had suffered a successful block and had the Stand Firm skill. Determining if a player has been pushed into a wall is simular to determining if a player has been pushed off the pitch.  That is to say that there may not be any other unoccupied squares for the player to pushed into.  If a ball scatters into a wall, use the throw in template to determine what square it ends up in as it then bounces off.
No Friends in the Pit: Players may only assist players from their own team with regard to Blocks. Your players can help you with assists and the target’s players may help them (Assuming they are not in a Tackle Zone or they have the guard skill). Blood bowl players love a good kicking however and all opposing players adjacent to a Foul victim offer positive assists on the Armour roll, while only players from the victim’s team may offer negative assists (if applicable)
If a player gets ejected for fouling, the Helpful Wizards remove the offender from the dungeon and they may not take further involvement in the match.
Too Long… : If a match lasts more that 16 turns (that is 16 for each team) the Helpful Wizards will stop allowing fresh players to be teleported onto the pitch from the reserves box.  If it goes as long as 24 turns, The wizards will thin out the ranks by igniting the Dungeon in a torrent of sticky wizards fire.  Before the start of the 25th turn roll a die for each player, on a roll of 4–6 they are knocked down and must roll for armour/injury – applying Mighty Blow to the result!  (Just like a Wizards Fireball)


The Squig Ball Games follows the normal Blood Bowl Rules with the following exceptions, being played on the normal pitch, # of turns, etc are all the same.

1. If the Squig Ball is on the Ground: At the beginning of each Team’s turn, before anyone takes an action, a Squig Ball on the ground will move d6 squares in a random direction.  (use the scatter template) The Squig Ball does not need to dodge to move through tackle zones.

2. If the Squig Ball is held by a player: At the beginning of that Team’s Turn (not the opposing teams turn), before anyone takes an action, roll a d6 (this cannot be re-rolled) On a roll of 1, the Squig has squirmed free and will move as above starting from the players square.  This does not cause a Turn Over.

3. If the Ball Squig’s movement carries it into a players square: The Squig throws a ST:0 Blitz with the Dauntless & Juggernaut Skills.  Neither team may lend their assists.  The Squig ball will never follow up and will end its movement in the square where it threw the block (regardless of any surplus MA).  The Squig can never be knocked down, injured, K/O’d nor stunned.  Players knocked down in this fashion will not cause a turn over.  The target players opponent always rolls the appropriate dice decides where to push the player if applicable.

4. If the Squig Ball’s movement carries it into the crowd: they will throw it back as usual.  It will bounce and then end it’s movement where it lands (regardless of any surplus MA).

5. The Squig Ball is Hard to handle: All GFI Rolls (while holdong the ball) and agility based actions involving the ball suffer a –1 penalty.  This includes GFI, Pick Up, Catch, Pass, Intercept and Landing (if holding the ball), but not Dodge rolls.

6. Special Play cards involving the Ball act as normal:  “Ball Clone” becomes “Squig Ball Clone”…  “Spiked Ball” becomes “Spiked Squig Ball”…  Etc.


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